Sunday Supplemental - There's Trouble at the Drive-In
Schism. Every fandom has one, most have multiple. Go all the way back to the very first fandom: religion. Whether it’s different...
Sunday Supplemental - There's Trouble at the Drive-In
Opinion - A Requiem for Smut
Opinion - The Impending Death of Physical Media
State of the Franchise - Friday the 13th
Supplemental Sunday - Ghoulardi & His Legacy in Cleveland Television
Black History Month Review: We Need to Talk About Cosby
Opinion - Our Transformers Masterpiece Rant
Nuking the Podcat - Episode 2: Buckaroo Banzai
Nuking the Podcat Episode 1 - Disney's The Black Hole
Opinion - Marvel Studios VS DC Films: Is There a Critic Conspiracy?
Opinion - The Death of Epic Films and the Need for Their Resurrection
Opinion - Why the World Needs Superman
State of the Franchise - Transformers Films
Opinion - I'll See Your "Whitewashing" and Raise You an Archetype and a Monomyth
Opinion - Boycott the Oscars? Sure! But not for why everyone else is...
Opinion - Wrestling? Really? Yeah, not here.
Transformers Vs. GoBots...FIGHT!!!
Trailer Madness!
Opinion: Mortal Kombat - Woody Allen VS Tyler Perry...FIGHT!
An Open Letter to DC Entertainment...